Mysql Download Mac Brew

I'm trying to setup up MySQL on mac os 10.6 using Homebrew by brew install mysql 5.1.52.Everything goes well and I am also successful with the mysqlinstalldb.However when I try to connect to the. How To Install MySQL Server On mac #MySQL #Mac #Xadmin install mysql mac brew how to use mysql on mac start mysql server mac how to run mysql on mac install mysql workbench mac mysql client mac. For those who are totally new to MySQL, it’s a good start to have a local MySQL server setup on your computer to test and learn how it works. In this post, we are going to introduce a couple ways.

В последнее время в работе над проектами мне требуется база данных на MySQL, я конечно же мог развернуть Ubuntu LTS на VirtualBox и работать через нее, но мне гораздо удобнее иметь прямой доступ к базе данных. Ниже инструкция установки MySQL на Mac OSX с помощью Homebrew.

Для начала убедимся что Homebrew установлен последней версии:

Далее установим MySQL:

Запустим MySQL:

И пройдем предварительную настройку:

Выполните следующие команды чтобы позволить MySQL запускаться под учетной записью пользователя:

Создайте файл my.cnf в /etc

И перезагрузите сервер MySQL:


How to install MySQL on Mac? Following this article, the work to install MySQL on Mac will get easy to be done.

You can use the brew command to install mysql on Mac. Install mysql through homebrew, the latest version is installed by default. If you want to install other versions, you need to specify the version number. Such as the following code:

Very easy?

After installing MySQL on Mac, then how to start MySQL server?

You can redirectly refer how to start MySQL server from the command line on Mac.

Modify configuration file of MySQL

Mysql Download Mac Brew Pub

You should to modify the configuration file of MySQL according your requests.



To start MySQL server on Mac:

Using the following command to login the MySQL server.

You will be asked to input the password of mysql, just input the password.

I got a problem when using Homebrew to insall MySQL on Mac, the below content is the approach to solve the problems.

After the installation is complete, I start the mysql using the command:

mysql.server start

Found no such command error:

command not found

First, check if it is installed. Re-execute again:

brew install mysql


Warning: mysql-5.7.17 already installed, it’s just not linked

Then find the solution online and execute:

brew link –overwrite mysql


Linking /usr/local/Cellar/mysql/5.7.17…
Error: Could not symlink share/man/man8/mysqld.8 /usr/local/share/man/man8 is not writable.

Find the workaround, the following statement is executed successfully:

sudo chown -R ‘username’ /usr/local

After solving the problem, re-execute:

Download Mysql For Mac Using Brew

brew link –overwrite mysql


Linking /usr/local/Cellar/mysql/5.7.17… 93 symlinks created

do it again:

mysql.server start

No errors. Indicates that we have started the mysql server and set the administrator password as prompted by brew.
